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你准备好继续在你的护理事业中往上爬了吗? 你的雇主 需要 护理学理学士(BSN)? 你正在寻找一个在线获得护理学位的机会吗? Beckfield 大学 可以 提供 一个让你从事护理事业的机会 更上一层楼. 

More and more hospitals are hiring nurses who have a BSN Degree or higher, 引用优秀护理, 更好的患者预后, 降低病人死亡率. 事实上,这个国家 Mag网络医院,这些都是由 美国护士证书g Center for 护理 Excellence and superior patient outcomes have moved to 需要 all nurse 管理rs and nurse leaders to 持有护理学士学位或研究生学位. 

Registered护理.org has ranked Beckfield大学’s 在线 RN to BSN program as one of the best in Kentucky for 2023!

Beckfield大学-Best 在线 RN to BSN Programs in Kentucky by Registered护理.org

现在是你专注于领导力的时候了, 护士管理技能, new career opportunities available to you with a BSN Degree from Beckfield 大学. 而t这里目前没有入学等候名单, 座位可能很快就满了, 所以,今天就开始申请,以确保你的录取, 一个BSN的职业机会 会负担得起你. 


The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Beckfield大学 is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate 护理 Education (计画p://www.ccneaccreditation.org). 






Registered 护理 Employment Badge - Beckfield大学 Registered 护理 - RN Program - 弗洛伦斯, KY


Employment of Registered Nurses is projected to grow 6% from 2021 to 2031†

Registered 护理 Kentucky State Median Salary Badge - Beckfield大学 Registered 护理 - RN Program - 弗洛伦斯, KY


State of Kentucky mean salary is $67,260 state of Ohio mean salary is $71,每年640英镑*





The RN to BSN track is completely online which makes it easy for students who are balancing work, 家庭, 还有其他优先事项, 全日制学生可在18个月内完成.** The RN to BSN online track at Beckfield大学 offers the necessary nursing and general education 需要ments while ensuring students experience a holistic approach to the increasing demands in today’s nursing environment.  重点是领导和管理, 文化的多样性, disaster 管理ment in conjunction with the necessary nursing courses, 毕业生将接受全面的教育. +, we have only three nursing courses with the 需要d clinical immersion of 12 to 16 hours in each that consists of observing a clinical nurse leader.



  • 评估原则, 模型, theories from nursing and related disciplines for applicability in nursing practice 
  • 参与以社区或人口为重点的评估 
  • 协作和沟通来识别, 管理, 并与护理同事进行知识交流, 其他的学科, 和病人 
  • Integrate beginning 领导与管理 skills utilizing critical thinking, 法律和道德决策, 以及基于证据的实践 
  • 运用信息技术管理知识, 交流信息, 促进专业护理实践中的决策 
  • Engage in quality improvement/patient safety activities to promote an understanding of the organizational process, 单位申请, 以及评估过程 
  • Analyze the effect of a health policy on the organization, financing, delivery of healthcare 
  • Participate in activities that advance nursing as a profession and the self as a professional 

a是什么? 注册护士?


The future of nursing depends on quality patient care and a highly educated nursing workforce.  BSN护士因其批判性思维技能而备受青睐, 领导与管理, 个案及灾难管理, 以及决策能力.  A BSN may also choose to work in a specialized area such as the emergency department or oncology.


根据美国最新的国家数据.S. 劳工和统计局, the median pay for a Registered Nurse in the state of Kentucky’s median salary is $67,俄亥俄州的平均工资是71美元,每年640英镑. 薪水将根据经验而定, 工作地点, 以及具体的职位和职责.*


  • St. Elizabeth Healthcare Logo - Registered 护理 Program Page - RN Program Page - 弗洛伦斯, KY
  • TriHealth Logo - Registered 护理 Program Page - RN Program Page - 弗洛伦斯, KY
  • University of Cincinnati Logo - Registered 护理 Program Page - RN Program Page - 弗洛伦斯, KY
  • I began my nursing career in January 1998 as a nursing assistant in long term care. 2000年12月,我从LPN学校毕业. I worked for 11 years in long term care as a LPN before going back for my RN. I chose Beckfield for my Associate’s Program because of the curriculum that they offered. I would take nursing classes starting Quarter 1 and would incorporate my general studies into the program while taking these nursing courses. I knew that I wanted to be a Director of 护理 and needed my RN for this. 在完成我的副学士学位后, 并取得注册护士执照, I felt completely prepared for a leadership role within my organization. 贝克菲尔德提供给我的临床技能经验, 让我有信心更轻松地处理各种情况. 在贝克菲尔德,更高层次的思维过程是一种常态. The instructor’s teach you how to “think” while considering the entire clinical picture as well as the ability to anticipate and advocate for the patient. The focus on leadership and the RN’s role in this critical area of nursing, 是贝克菲尔德最强大的特质之一, 在我看来. I feel like some nursing programs (at least from my LPN experience) teach nurses to “be a nurse”, 但在贝克菲尔德, ladbrokes立博中文版被教导如何成为一名“护理领袖”. 的知识, resources and network connections that have been afforded to me from Beckfield are unmatched. 贝克菲尔德以准备精良而闻名, 称职的护士,这是一个准确的认识. 能成为贝克菲尔德的毕业生,我感到非常幸运, 不仅仅是注册护士项目, 还有他们的BSN项目! I recommend Beckfield大学’s 护理 Program to anyone who is committed to furthering their education in one of the most selfless and rewarding career choices in the world.

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Beckfield大学 is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate 护理 Education (计画p://www.ccneaccreditation.org). 

* 计画p/ / www.美国劳工统计局.gov /标准/经常/ oes291141.htm #圣 

** Nurses with an Associate Degree in 护理 and a current and unencumbered RN licensure are eligible to apply for the RN to BSN Degree Program at Beckfield大学.  Students currently working as RNs are able to continue work while acquiring their BSN degree at the same time.

†Employment of 注册 nurses is projected to grow 9 percent from 2021 to 2031, 和所有职业的平均速度一样快. 增长的原因有很多. (网站访问次数9.15.22)来源: http://www.bls.gov /哦/医疗/REGISTERED NURSE DO.htm

ladbrokes立博中文版不作任何陈述, 承诺, or guarantee that completion of this program either assures passage of any certification examination or acceptance by any state board. 未来和现在的学生, 还有毕业生, 负责研究和理解所有考试, 登记, or licensure 需要ments in any state in which they seek to become 注册, 许可, 或使用. ladbrokes立博中文版不保证就业或职业发展.

Beckfield大学 可以not guarantee a student’s eligibility either to take any exam or become certified, 注册, 或许可. 学生的资格可能取决于他或她的工作经验, 高中毕业(或同等学历), 没有犯罪记录, 符合其他执照或认证要求, or the program or School itself having appropriate accreditation or licensure.